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GMAT Teacher wanted Empresa

hace 1 año Ofertas Laborales Santiago   315 vista

$ --

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Ubicación: Santiago
Sueldo: $ --

KAPLAN Certified Test Center  in Chile is seeking a part‐time online teacher for standardized admissions tests GMAT , GRE and SAT. 


 We are looking for a native English speaker university graduate willing to make a minimum of 30 hour in 10 weeks teaching testprep online via ZOOM.

Courses: GMAT, GRE, SAT and similar courses (a combination of these courses may be taught throughout the year). 


• Part-time job: Weekday classes are evenings, twice a week . Saturday classes are mornings once a week

• Provide a minimum 30 hours of test instruction and time for preparing and reporting class sessions.   The instructor is expected to teach all sections of each designated test.

• Mentor skills to help guide students of all levels in achieving their highest scores on test day. 

• Coordinate with the center’s service and academic support staff to ensure student needs are met. 

• Provide students with guidance for using the digital resources provided to them. 

• Monitor and comment on students’ performance and provide recommendations and feedback, and take attendance for all classes taught turned in to management

Additional Details

Fecha Inicio Diciembre 2022
Empresa Certified Test Center
Tipo de Contrato Temporal